Something magical happens when you take a Retail Beauty conference and put the entire UK force of beauty consultants head office and field teams together… the magic is synergy!
The result? Is the elevation of positive energy, belief in what is possible, passion, focus and commitment and all this transformation in only one day comes alive by adding the magic of Mind Makeovers! 📚our Mind is our greatest fuel for success.
It gives everyone ONE focus and a workbook on how we are going to Thrive and smash performance in these unique times. A Mind Makeover gives us our own language, which is REAL positivity, not “lala positivity”, but REAL positivity 💫 It’s taking the company strategy and new launch products and putting them in partnership with a Mind Makeover. It is finding the terminology, the positive statements, the Mind Makeover language that’s going to support beauty consultants NOW!
In all my work over 30 years, for me , it’s always been about empowering beauty consultants. People ask me “how do you add millions to brands, Sharron?” And the answer is - I don’t! The team of beauty consultants and the field teams do that, and they do that because they change their perception with a Mind Makeover of what IS POSSIBLE. As the brand and the audiences Success Coach, I add the “how”! How do you do that? Changing your attitude alone isn’t enough - you HAVE to change your performance, to a performance that has elevated confidence, self-belief and a language of positivity! A Mind Makeover teaches you how to take things that didn’t go to plan into a positive learn, a Mind Makeover shows beauty consultants what IS possible and smashes it out of the water.
Magic happened this week! We closed the doors and became the Olay UK beauty consultant team. As an industry we have experienced stores being closed, and after experiencing this, extra magic happens because we are so appreciative that we are back in store. Then, you add a massive dose of retail humour to a Mind Makeover and - the sky is the limit!
A phenomenal conference where Mind Makeover magic was at its absolute best 💫
Thankyou OLAY!